
Erosion Control
Products | Mulch/Ground Cover | Soil | Compost/Soil Amendments | Bedding Materials | Gravel/Sand/Loam | Erosion Control

FilterSoxx™ are a tubular mesh container filled with locally manufactured, certified compost. FilterSoxx™ form a portable, easily filled, easily installed replacements for the traditional BMP’s in virtually any type of setting or topography.

The unique, patent pending netting material is considerably different and better. As a knitted netting fabric, it is stronger than extruded netting. It is less abrasive to plants, equipment and workers, and, it does not zipper when torn. Available in a variety of options, comes in convenient “rucks” or bunches and is made by the largest netting manufacturer in the USA. In keeping with our especially high standards, it is only material that we allow our Certified Installers to use.


Filtersoxx™ Inlet Protection

8″ Dia. x 15′ FilterSoxx™ Available at our Brickyard Rd. location, at a price of $1.50 per foot. Other sizes available upon request, priced according to diameter and length. Click here to get a quote.

Ditch Chexx™:
Filtrexx™ Ditch Chexx™ replaces hay or straw bales, rock check dams or other perpendicular devices used to slow down water traveling in a channel. They allow for easy placement and maintain a large footprint of ground contact, which is so critical when it comes to eliminating undercutting. The high degree of intimate contact associated with the product ensure performance, especially in high flow areas.

Ditch Chexx™

8″ Dia. x 15′ Ditch Chexx™ Available at our Brickyard Rd. location, at a price of $1.50 per foot. Other sizes available upon request, priced according to diameter and length. Click here to get a quote.

One of the common problems associated with waterway is the erosion of the banks. Bit by bit, over time virtually all banks erode away and in the process they reduce the size of the landmass, create eyesores on otherwise attractive settings, and seriously increase the risk of danger.


The Rexius EcoBerm® eliminates the need for plastic silt fencing. No matter what the terrain, the EcoBerm® can be installed with minimal effort as compared to silt fence or other methods requiring ditching and reinforcement. This tested and proven product* has revolutionized sediment control by providing an option that is not only earth friendly but proven highly effective.

Compost Filter Berm

The EcoBlanket™ is rated one of the highest methods available for stopping erosion in its tracks. EcoBlanket™ replaces the natural layer of humus that already protects our undisturbed soils. Injected with Microblend™, the EcoBlanket™ has increased structural integrity along with the ability to aid in the degradation of hydrocarbons that are found on many construction sites. EcoBlanket™ is easily installed in a one step, low impact pneumatic process that can conform to about any terrain.


Products | Mulch/Ground Cover | Soil | Compost/Soil Amendments | Bedding Materials | Gravel/Sand/Loam | Erosion Control